Sustainable Aviation Fuels 2025
Purpose of the event
To give the participants a better understanding of the current development of the commercial market for e-fuels in the aviation industry. To give the participants and opportunity to share their own views on the development and to network with other players.
Who should attend:
e-fuels producers
Feedstock providers
Fuel service providers
Airports and airport owners
Air transport customers
R&D organizations
Aircraft manufacturers
Outline of topics
Ramping up synthetic fuels - let's take it to the next level
From refinery to runway
Flying with sustainable fuels
Substantiating the climate benefit: Clim0Art test flights
Unlocking capital for eSAF
Securing reliable policies
Day one (April 09th)
08:00 – Registration and coffee
08:30 – Setting the scene: Aviation's impact on climate
· Research Professor, Industrial Ecology Programme, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Helene Muri
09:00 – Ramping up synthetic fuels - let's take it to the next level
Session Chair: Project Manager, Energ i Nord & KPB, Anders Tørud
Vice President of Business Development, Twelve, Ashwin Jadhav
Carbon Management & CO2 Supply Chain Manager, Norsk e-fuel, Samuel Schuster
International Business Development, Infinium, James Vaughan
Regional manager, GreenH, Petter Bertheussen
Chairman, Nordic Electrofuel, Rolf Bruknapp
Senior Policy Advisor EU, Arcadia, Matteo Mirolo
Chief Technical Officer, Spark E-fuel, Arno Zimmermann
CCO, Caphenia, Helge Sachs
10:30 – Break
10:50 – From refinery to runway
Session Chair: CEO, BRUS, Harald Ostbø
Senior advisor, Carbon Reduction Programme, Avinor, Arvid Løken
COO, Aviation Fuelling Services Norway, Daniel Tholander
11:15– Flying with sustainable fuels
Session Chair: HO Sustainability, European Regions Airline Association, Antoine Toulemont
Manager, Sustainability & Public Affairs, Norwegian, Kristoffer Gustavsen
Captain, NF Vice President and ECA Environmental Working Group Chair, Norsk Flygerforbund and European Cockpit Association, Jo Bjørn Skatval
Senior Expert Sustainable Aviation, DHL, Jan Lückhof
Head of public affairs, SAS, Knut Morten Johansen
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Substantiating the climate benefit: Clim0Art test flights
Session Chair: HO Sustainable Flight, Deutsche Aircraft, Regina Pouzolz
HO Cloud Physics, DLR - Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Christiane Voigt
HO Emissions and Air Quality, DLR - Institute of Combustion Technology, Nina Gaiser
Senior Research Engineer, Sasol Energy, Victor Burger
Director Strategic Partnerships, Climeworks, Laurent Müller
14:30 – Coffee Break
15:00 – Unlocking capital for eSAF
Session Chair: CEO, IMPACT for Sustainable Aviation, Ulrike Ziegler
Policy Officer, DG Clima - EU Innovation Fund, Javier García Fernández
Head of Renewable Energy and Industry, Export Finance Norway, Linn Lie
Director Technology and Market development, Enova, Astrid Lilliestråle
Finance Advisor, European Investment Bank, Marcello de Leonardi
16:30 – Break
17:15 – Departure to aviation museum from hotel
17:30– Guided tour aviation museum
19:00 – Dinner speech: How to design aircraft in times of the climate crisis – Are we
losing our societal license to operate?
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Dieter Scholz
Day two (April 10th)
08:45 – Welcome Day 2
09:00 – Securing reliable policies
Session Chair: Adviser on Legal and Inter-institutional Issues, DG Clima, Damien Meadows
Researcher, Fuels Team, International Council on Clean Transportation, Jane O'Malley (or colleague)
Aviation Policy Officer Transport & Enviornment, Marte Van Der Graaf
Policy Officer, DG Clima, Dimitar Nikov
Head of section for transport, Zero Emission Resource Organization, Ingvild Kilen Rørholt
Policy Officer, DG Move, Guillermo Rebollo de Garay (or colleague)
10:30 – Coffee break
11:00 – Final panel discussion
12:00 – Press conference and signature of declaration
12:30 – Lunch
Guided tour
We are pleased to offer the participants at the SAF/e-fuels seminar an exclusive site visit to the construction site of the new airport in Bodø under construction. Avinor is currently building a new complete airport in Bodø about 900 meters to the south west of the current airport.
The new airport is planned to open in 2029 and the construction is ongoing.
We will travel with bus to the construction site an will be guided by one of Avinors staff.
The bus will pick us up outside the seminar venue and guest will be returned to their hotels or to the airport terminal after the tour.
When: The site visit will take place on April 10th at 14.00-16.00. The tour will take place after the seminar program and lunch is finished.
Chose “guided tour to airport” when you order you conference ticket if you would like to join.
Rolf Bruknapp
Chairman, Nordic Electrofuel
Victor Burger
Senior Research Engineer, Sasol Energy
Nina Gaiser
HO Emissions and Air Quality, DLR - Institute of Combustion Technology
Javier García Fernández
Policy Officer, DG Clima - EU Innovation Fund
Marte Van Der Graaf
Germany Aviation Policy Officer, Transport & Environment
Kristoffer Gustavsen
Manager, Sustainability & Public Affairs, Norwegian
Ashwin Jadaw
Vice President of Business Development, Twelve
Knut Morten Johansen
Head of public affairs, SAS
Ingvild Kilen Rørholt
Head of section for transport, Zero Emission Resource Organization
Marcello de Leonardi
Finance Advisor, European Investment Bank
Linn Lie
Head of Renewable Energy and Industry, Export Finance Norway
Astrid Lillestråle
Director Technology and Market development, Enova
Damien Meadows
Adviser on Legal and Inter-institutional Issues, DG Clima
Matteo Mirolo
Senior Policy Advisor EU, Arcadia
Helene Muri
Senior researcher, NILU
Laurent Müller
Director Strategic Partnership, Climeworks
Jane O'Malley
Researcher, Fuels Team, International Council on Clean Transportation
Regina Pouzolz
HO Sustainable Flight, Deutsche Aircraft
Guillermo Rebollo de Garay
Policy Officer, DG Move,
Helge Sachs
CCO, Caphenia
Dieter Scholz
Department of Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg
Samuel Schuster
Carbon Management & CO2 Supply Chain Manager, Norsk e-fuel
Jo Bjørn Skatval
Captain, NF Vice President and ECA Environmental Working Group Chair, Norsk Flygerforbund and European Cockpit Association
Daniel Tholander
COO, Aviation Fuelling Services Norway
Antoine Toulemont
HO Sustainability, European Regions Airline Associatio
Anders Tørud
Project manager Green Aviation, Energi i Nord, Senior Adviser KPB
James Vaughan
International Business Development, Infinium
Christiane Voigt
HO Cloud Physics, DLR - Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Arno Zimmermann
Chief Technical Officer, Spark E-fuel
Ulrike Ziegler
CEO, IMPACT for Sustainable Aviation
Harald Østbø
Arvid Løken
Senior Advisor Sustainability,
Jan Lückhof
Senior expert sustainable aviation, DHL
Petter Olsen Bertheussen
Regional manager, GreenH
Dimitar Nikov
Policy Officer, DG Clima